Staff have talent too.

The public tends to think that library staff have no talent, however i was extremely proud to be a part of the team that recently put together and put up a display on Divali. We did everything from scratch which means that we researched the information on dress, food and other traditional aspects of Divali. EverythingContinue reading “Staff have talent too.”

Creations should include food

Libraries are considered places for boring creatures. They wear glasses…..I wear them too but that’s besides the point, they wear ugly shoes (they’re more comfortable) and they can rattle off boring information from books. However, things are slowly changing, they also get tattoos, I have more but they’re in other places. The public will also see us soonContinue reading “Creations should include food”

Teaching is an interesting experience, I’m not jealous of teachers

So there’s a well known secret that throughout Trinidad and Tobago, libraries offer free computer classes to citizens young, old and in between. However it is rarely utilized at least, among our young adults. The majority may be very skilled in using Facebook, Twitter, and various other social media, but when it comes to researchingContinue reading “Teaching is an interesting experience, I’m not jealous of teachers”

Misconceptions about being a Library Assistant

Everyday I am faced with the same comments and questions: What do you do all day besides check in, check out books? Work. Do you read books all day? No Is it boring shelving all day? I don’t shelf all day. How come you’re not older? Or the classic: You’re pretty for someone who worksContinue reading “Misconceptions about being a Library Assistant”